Πέμπτη 12 Ιουνίου 2008

Same Office, Different Planets

DO human resource executives know their employees?
When the professionals were asked to list the three things employees would say were the most important to them in deciding whether to stay with a company, the executives missed on all three, reports Workspan, a magazine that focuses on attracting, retaining and motivating employees.
Employees said benefits were most important. Compensation was second and “growth and earning potential” third.
The human resource executives guessed that the top three would be “management climate, supervisor relationship and work environment.” The executives predicted that compensation would come in seventh place, exactly where employees put “supervisor relationship.”
“Perhaps the H.R. executives placed ‘supervisor relationship’ at No. 2 because they believe what is published and said so often: that people don’t quit organizations or jobs, they quit their supervisors,” wrote the magazine, published by WorldatWork, an international association of human resource professionals. “But the data from the employees indicates that axiom might not be so rock solid.”
The survey was conducted by Spherion, a recruiting and staffing company, and by the market research firm Harris Interactive. The results indicate the continuing resonance of the line from “Cool Hand Luke”: “What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”

Published: January 26, 2008
The New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/26/business/26offline.html?_r=1&oref=slogin)

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